Erotic Encounters and Culinary Delights – “Yes sir, I’ll start packing right away. No problem… yeah, absolutely! I… thank you… yes… goodbye Mr. Jeohne.”
I couldn’t believe it. After years of hard work and almost giving up on my dream, it finally happened. I was going to be moving to Erotic Singapore to help start one of the most well-financed restaurants in the world. I would have full creative control and a decent salary to go along with it. I started packing right away, just like I had told my new boss.
The Dream Unfolds
I threw away many of my items, knowing that I would be going so far and could start fresh. I never had any problem throwing stuff out, as I wasn’t much for the material life anyways. All that mattered to me was my cooking and being able to see the world. I just wished my love was here to see this. She worked so hard to support my dreams and help make me what I was. I couldn’t ask for a better person in my life. Unfortunately, she’s gone now, taken way too early by means I don’t even want to get into right now. This was a happy time in my life now, single or not.
Exploring Singapore
I started searching the internet for more information about Singapore. The city looked fantastic! The culture was so much more exciting than Florida ever dreamed of being. I noticed a lot of sites about massage parlors and ways to meet women. I was never into that sort of thing, even though I got some free phone sex. The girls on the sites (I couldn’t help but click a couple) were pretty cute, I must admit. I felt a sudden pressure below the belt. I opened up the usual site and began to get myself off.
Slowly at first, thinking about my love, but then noticing myself getting caught up in interesting pictures of sweaty Asian girls in crazy positions doing anything to please a man. I had never experienced anything like that. I was a pretty average lover. I wanted to make sure my partner was happy, but I didn’t have much experience being creative while sticking my cock deep inside a woman.
New Beginnings
I wanted to start over for real this time, sex included. I wanted to rip a gaping hole in some girl’s panties and shove my cock so deep inside her that she screams, but I cover her mouth as rough as I can so that the words are muffled and not allowed to travel outside the busy restaurant’s bathroom… or even better, in my kitchen while people are in the lobby. Oh god, I came so fast stroking myself and thinking about these new sexual fantasies.
Five days later, I was getting on a plane toward my new home. Sixteen hours into the flight and I had dozed off. I was sitting next to an older lady, about 37. She had blonde hair and some freckles. It looked like she enjoyed the sun, I could tell by the nice V shape her tan lines made against her enormous cleavage. I couldn’t tell if her breasts were real or fake, but either way, they were perky and large. Those perfect older lady breasts that are just the right roundness and completely symmetrical. She caught me glancing. Crap.
An Unexpected Encounter
“Hey, you like soccer too?” She asked.
“Uh…” I looked and saw she had a Manchester United shirt on. “Oh, yeah it’s great…”
She cut me off before I could finish. “I know, I am kidding.” She winked at me.
A blush came over my face, along with the same kind of smile you get when an adult tells you you’re cute as a small kid. “What’s your name?”
“It’s nice to meet you Rebecca,” I said with the red starting to recede back from my cheeks.
“It’s a long flight… hope you brought something to keep yourself entertained.” She started to smile back at me.
“I have my tablet… but the batteries are almost dead now. I didn’t expect this long of a flight.”
We talked for a bit about life, but eventually, I fell asleep to make the flight go by faster. I was so anxious to get to my new job. I felt something strange as I was sleeping. I slowly began to open my eyes and saw that Rebecca was looking right at my crotch. I realized I had a wet dream in my sleep and she was feeling the cum that was showing through my pants. She noticed I had woken up and began to rub the wet spot.
She noticed I had woken up and began to rub the wet spot.
“Have a nice sleep I see?”
She began to rub the length of my hard cock and I immediately moaned. After just a few seconds, I came.
“Been a while, hey?”

Erotic Encounters
“Yes… over a year now.”
“Oh my, that is a while. Well, that one’s on the house.” She winked and kissed me on the cheek.
The pilot then came on and let us know we were about to land.
“I wish I could return the favor.” I looked down again at her huge breasts.
“Maybe sometime in the future we will meet again.”
Leaving Changi Airport in Singapore was a nightmare. I had hardly left the United States before, let alone the North American continent. Everything about this place was completely new to me. I slowly found my way to my temporary housing at the Marina Bay Sands. There, I unpacked my things and decided to rest. When I awoke, it was nighttime, and I was starving.
Culinary Adventures
I was ready to try all this street food that I had heard and read so much about. There were so many choices as I walked down the street. I ended up finding my way to the famous Restaurant Andre. Out front, I began speaking with one of the patrons, who ended up knowing the chef. I explained what I was doing in the city, and he insisted I follow him inside to meet the chef himself. I was honored to meet such talent and was even more surprised to have a chef’s table arranged for myself and my new friend.
As we sat down to eat, I noticed there was another empty seat. As I looked up, Rebecca came in and took her place at the table. I was stunned. Out of everyone in the world, the first woman I share any sort of intimacy with just happens to be at the table across from me. She kissed Jung, my new friend, and said hello to me as she introduced herself. I immediately understood what was going on here. She was with Jung and didn’t want him to know about what had happened earlier on the plane.
Unexpected Reunion
I introduced myself to her, again, as the chef came to ask us about our preferences in food. I was so disappointed that the girl I was crushing on had someone else already. Why was she messing around with me, though? I didn’t get it. Everyone has their problems. The meal was fantastic. I was trying to get out of there so I didn’t create any awkward vibes, so I made my way to the famous Long Bar for a Singapore Sling. On my way there, I saw a massage parlor that I had read about. As I opened the door, someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me back.
“Wait just a minute there!”
Oh crap, the police knew what I was up to. My first day in this city and I was already going to go to jail. This is just like my old life; even worse, it is my old life.
Then a kiss. It was her! She followed me here. I turned around and kissed her. I stopped and pulled back just a bit, looking at her puzzled.
Passion in the Alley
“It’s a business arrangement. I hate it. I am trying to get out of it, but I just can’t yet. It’s so hard to explain. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, things happen. Who am I to judge?” I said back, having been put in more awkward situations before.
“Let’s go!”
She pulled me into the alley next to the parlor and we began to kiss passionately. I ripped her pants as I pulled them off. She looked at me a little upset at first, but then came in for an even harder kiss. I tore off her panties and stuck my tongue right into her bald little slit. We were having sex in Singapore Alley. A small string of juice came off with my tongue which attached to her now wet vagina, and my cock was completely stiff. I started going in on her clit, noticing how fast it was swelling up. I took two fingers and licked them, sticking them straight into her hot pussy.
“My god,” she whispered as she began to bite the side of her lip while feeling up her left breast.
I ripped my pants off. “I want you now.”
Intense Moments
Raising one of her legs, I took her neck and put her mouth on my cock to get it wet, then slammed it right into her wet slit.
“Ooh! You’re pretty good at this.”
“I think you’re making me good at this,” I said back.
“Good.” She smiled.
Rebecca then threw me back on the ground and got on top, riding me harder than I previously thought possible. Someone walked by and looked for a second. I was a little thrown off when I noticed, but looked back at her and realized just how little I cared.
I grabbed her, turned her around and took her neck in a headlock, saying, “My turn again,” and pushing my cock slowly into her tight little ass.
I was getting anal sex in a Singapore alley. Rebecca screamed loudly with pleasure, as she began to rub her clit to the point of explosion. Feeling her asshole clench my dick as she came, I also came as I bit her neck lightly, remembering that I should try not to leave a mark.
Rebecca’s Sudden Departure
Rebecca pulled up her pants and kissed me for a minute. She then looked at her phone, saw missed calls, and the time. “Shit! Gotta go.” She began to run off.
I realized that I hadn’t gotten any of her information. I was saddened over not being able to get in contact with Rebecca for the next few days. Work began and I started to forget about it. Every once a day or so, someone would mention the name Rebecca, and I would get my hopes up, but nothing would turn up. I even went back to the restaurant where we ate together, but no sign of her. Three weeks had passed, and we began to hire staff. It was the usual bunch of servers and chefs, a bunch of hard workers. No one caught my eye like Rebecca did.
The Soft Opening
The day of the soft opening arrived, and I was so nervous that I would screw everything up. I decided to go down to the massage parlor to get some special attention to help with the stress. As I walked in the door, I thought I felt something on my shoulder again. As I turned around, I realized it was only my imagination. The girl I got was nice, and she gave one of the best massages of my life. As she began to ask if I wanted any special treatment after my massage, I decided to go against it. I didn’t like sexual experiences that I had to pay for.
Surprising Encounter
As I made my way back to my kitchen, I thought about going out that evening and trying to meet someone. It was useless. I wouldn’t ever find someone again. As I opened the door to the restaurant, I was greeted by two hostesses.
“Hey chef!” One of them said.
As I looked up, I recognized the breasts. It was Rebecca, in my restaurant! I made my way to the kitchen, not trying to seem too excited, and a few minutes later she came back. Coming around to the hot side of the kitchen where I was preparing a cote-de-boeuf.
She reached down, grabbed my crotch as tight as she could, and said, “You didn’t think it was going to be that easy to lose me, did you?”
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